The Power of an Integrative Practice

I'll tell you what I love about Thrive.  

I love that, when a patient comes in with a complaint, I don't have to rely on my own skills alone to bring them some relief.  The other amazing practitioners here have their own diverse skill sets, and are ready to add their expertise to the case.  Together we can do so much more for the patient than any one of us could do alone.

That's Integrative Medicine at it's finest.  

Here at Thrive, we don't treat pathology.  We treat human beings.  So, though two people may walk in the door complaining of a similar condition, it will inevitably be manifesting differently in each.  Maybe even more importantly, each person almost certainly took different paths to end up on our doorstep.  The conventional medical diagnosis might indicate the exact same pathology in both patients.  But again, we don't treat pathology.  We treat human beings.

Accounting for unique circumstances includes creating unique treatment plans.  It's our job as health care providers to recommend, based on our professional assessment, what types of therapies will work best in combination.  Here at Thrive, if I have a question about that, I can walk down the hall and ask:  "I have a patient suffering from ____, can you help, and how?"  Once treatment is underway, I can discuss with co-managing practitioners what is changing for the patient, what the practitioner is finding that might help me treat more effectively, and how we might continue to work together to support the healing process.  It's a context that works wonders for the patient.

As each of us at Thrive continue to deepen our skills in our given modalities as well as our skills in communication, we will keep striving to provide the best of what the Integrative model has to offer to the community.  Please don't hesitate to call, email, or stop by if you have a health concern and are not sure what course of action to take.  We will do our very best to help you develop the very best treatment approach for whatever is negatively affecting your quality of life!