Yes, Acupuncture Can Help with That!

Many (if not most) of our first-time visitors here at Thrive ask if acupuncture can help with fill-in-the-blank. Some are seeing us for fertility support, and then allergy season hits, for example. Can we treat allergies and also continue with fertility care? In this case, as in nearly 100% of the time, the answer is YES, absolutely!

So, how is this all possible?

Before symptoms make their way to the surface, there is an imbalance at the root. Chinese medicine’s time-tested methods of diagnosis reveal these imbalances, and treatments such as acupuncture and herbal medicine are prescribed. Rebalancing can be quick, or it can take a little time. In either case, witnessing the body’s potential to heal and thrive can be quite amazing!

Our Chinese medical practitioners are part of an integrative team here to assist you in healing – whether it’s allergies, migraines, anxiety, reproductive concerns, joint pain… or anything that arises. 

We know that the best medicine happens when Body, Mind and Spirit are involved. So, we hope you’ll consider giving acupuncture and Chinese medicine a try. We’re all here to help you Thrive!

What is Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have evolved over thousands of years of direct clinical application, and effectively treat a wide variety of medical conditions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is steeped in a rich and powerful history.  With records dating back some 5000 years, this medical system predominated healthcare in China for millennia.  Still today, TCM is practiced right along side western medicine in Chinese hospitals, offering patients the most appropriate care for their conditions.

TCM employs multiple modalities in treatment, the most well known of which is acupuncture.  Acupuncture is quickly becoming recognized the world over as an effective treatment method for a wide variety of complaints.  There is a growing body of research proving that effectiveness with hospitals and major universities in the US now offering and encouraging its utilization.

Another modality included in the TCM spectrum of care is the use of herbal prescriptions.  Chinese herbology is arguably the most advanced system of botanical medicine in practice on the planet today.  Differing from western systems of herbalism, TCM formulas are often very complex in their composition and treatment strategy, shying away from the use of single herbs and treatment based on symptoms.  It is crucial to have someone trained in TCM diagnostics prescribing these formulas as diagnosis and formulation have evolved together over centuries of clinical use.

A patient of TCM might also encounter modalities like cupping, therapeutic massage, electrical stimulation, moxabustion, and herbal lineaments and oils.  All these methods are used to treat based on the practitioner’s discretion, which should always be rooted in clear diagnosis.  Each treatment session is custom tailored for each patient.

New Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Patients

Our Initial Consultations are an in depth look into your medical history and current health concerns and goals.  You should count on being here for approximately 90 minutes. We will have plenty of time to address both the chief complaint, and your history.  We will then devise a treatment plan for you based on your presentation and our diagnosis, and give you a treatment.    

Needles do NOT have to be a part of the treatment.  Acupuncture is one of the treatment modalities we utilize frequently, but for some patients needles may not be indicated, or the patient may just prefer not to have any.  We have many other tools, including guasha, cupping, moxibustion (or heat therapy), and Chinese herbal formulas.  

At the end of your first treatment we will explain our treatment plan including frequency of treatments, any prescribed herbs or supplements, and any diet and lifestyle changes we recommend.  Patients often feel results after just one treatment.  Indeed, for mild, acute conditions, that may be all that's required.  For longer-standing or chronic conditions, more treatments are usually indicated.

If you would like to discuss your health goals before deciding to make an appointment, please do not hesitate to call (706) 850-2000, schedule a consultation or email us!

Acupuncture Fees

Initial Consult & Treatment: $175 (90 minutes)
Follow Up & Treatment: $95 (60 minutes)
Extended Follow Up & Treatment: $110 (90 minutes, if it has been more than a year since your last visit)

Initial Herbal Consult & Prescription: $90, plus cost of herbs (60 minutes)
Follow Up Herbal Consult & Prescription: $50, plus cost of herbs (30 minutes)

Moxa for Breech Baby: $50 (30 minutes)

Child Initial Consult & Treatment: $90 (90 minutes, for children 12 and under)
Child Follow Up & Treatment: $70 (60 minutes)   

Initial Video Consult: $100 (45 minutes)
Follow Up Video Consult: $50 (30 minutes)

Prices reflect time of service discount

Meet the Practitioners

A note about our approach.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete and integrated system of medicine. Licensed acupuncturists (“L.Ac.”) are trained to diagnose and treat just about any condition an individual might encounter. The acupuncture team at Thrive (Tony and Ashley) treat a wide variety of ailments, while each pursuing extensive training in areas such as women’s health, orthopedics and mental-emotional wellness.

Image of Thrive's Practitioner, Tony Galis, L.Ac.

Tony Galis, L.Ac. often works with athletes to address musculoskeletal complaints including plantar fasciitis, knee and hip pain. He helps patients find natural and lasting relief from debilitating migraines, and also leads workshops on Taiji 24 form. Learn more

Ashley Callen, L.Ac. specializes in women’s health, including infertility, PCOS, PMS and menopause. Prior to joining Thrive, Ashley practiced at multiple fertility clinics in the San Francisco Bay area, including UCSF, and Pacific Integrative Fertility. Learn more